Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Tue Oct 1 08:39:01 EST 2002

"Relayer" <relayer at dreamtheater.zzn.com> wrote in message
news:JOam9.473591$kp.1404210 at rwcrnsc52.ops.asp.att.net...
> Jd wrote:
> > Relayer <relayer at dreamtheater.zzn.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>John Knight wrote:
> >>>How come there were half a million MORE jews after WWII than there
> >>>were before, but 48 million FEWER Christians?
> >>
> >
> >>You, sir, are a moron. I'll repeat what I said. The Nazis do not have a
> >>monopoly on holocausts. It still happens today. Ever heard of the
> >>Armenian genocide; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Burma; Cambodia; East Timor;
> >>Rwanda & Burundi?
> >
> >
> > Can you disprove John's pre/post WWII numbers?
> Can you prove that there were less doughnuts eaten in 2001 than in 1991?
> (for the slow witted, I am changing the subject in exactly the same way
> as John Knight and Jd. I never attempted to prove or disprove the
> figures posted.)
> R.

Of course we can.  We obviously keep better track of things like the
national consumption of donuts than we do of how many CHRISTIANS died in
WWII.  Encyclopedia Britannica has the following vague reference:


Cost. World War II is estimated, rather uncertainly,

to have cost between 35,000,000 and 60,000,000 lives.

The U.S.S.R. has been reckoned to have lost 11,000.000

combatants and 7,000,000 civilians; Poland, 5,800,000

lives altogether, including, however, some 3,200,000 of

the 5,700,000 Jews put to death by the Nazis in the course

of the war; Germany, 3,500,000 combatants dead and

780,000 civilians; China, 1,310,224 combatants in the

Nationalist forces alone, with civilian losses dubiously

estimated at 22,000,000; Japan, 1,300,000 combatants

and 672,000 civilians; Yugoslavia, 305,000 and 1,200,000;

the United Kingdom, 264,443 and 92,673; the United

States, 292,131 and 6,000.

But the Oxford Companion to World War II lists the number of dead at more
than 150 million, and of course the majority of them were Christians, or
Caucasians, and Russians themselves put the number of dead Russians at 25-50
million, so what Britannica "reckoned" seems to have been off by half.

Who CARES about the STUPID jews, even IF there were 6 million dead--a
completely impossible figure?  http://christianparty.net/holocaust.htm

John Knight

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