"bees" <beesflowerboat at sasktel.net> wrote in message
news:upijkk2gff1q29 at corp.supernews.com...
>> > > > http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/c2k/iraqback.pdf> > > >
> > > > http://christianparty.net/polliraqcbs.pdf> >
> > Who do YOU believe is the biggest threat to most Americans, lanceolot?
> > American voters who're too STUPID to take the time to understand the
> issues
> > they're voting on--or a camel jockey in Afghanistan who hasn't the
> slightest
> > idea what the WTC is, but whose children and wife we just murdered with
> our
> > WMDs?
> >
> > John Knight
> >
> >
> > i strongly doubt that a "camal jockey" in afghanistan doesnt know about
> the WTC. if by chance they dont they are still happy like pigs in shit to
> hear that some american building was blown away. they (camal jockeys) are
> most likly jumping for joy to hear that the "evil" americans received a
> deadly blow from their hero osama as their children and "wives" die from
> WMD.
This is based on the assumption that the US is the center of the universe
and most other people read and hear the same JUNK NEWS that you read and
hear--but the vast majority don't.
I know Christians in Nazareth, 70 miles away from the center of all the
world's evils, who wouldn't know a thing about any of this if it weren't for
their watching AMERICAN TV. Not even their own neighbors in Nazareth have
heard a word about most of these "traumatic" events--yet from our
perspective, they're right in the center of it all.
We're being flooded with this garbage news which is meaningless to US, as
well as to 95% of the rest of the population of the world.
The destruction of the WTC may have been dramatic news on our jewsmedia, but
most of the rest of the world has it's own problems to worry about, many of
which are much more serious than this.
Consider the following BIASED view:
> NBC news anchor Brian Williams told viewers that,
> "After six weeks of relative calm today, a second straight day of
> violence in the Middle East. Another suicide bombing, this time on a
> crowded Tel Aviv bus, that killed five people, injured more than 50.
> As a result, Israeli tanks are once again surrounding Yasir Arafat's
> compound in Ramallah in the West Bank."
Do you know what happened in the US in the last six weeks?
2,077 AMERICANS were murdered!
4,846 AMERICANS died in traffic accidents!!
3,566 AMERICANS committed suicide!!!
2,890 AMERICANS died of cirrhosis.
3,592 AMERICANS died of AIDS.
7,127 AMERICANS died of diabetes.
9,661 AMERICANS died of the flu and pneumonia.
62,254 AMERICANS died of cancer.
84,691 AMERICANS died of heart disease.
Add it up. This is 180,704 dead AMERICANS. This is 36,141 TIMES as many
dead Americans as dead jews in JUST the last six weeks, and 30 TIMES as many
as died in the WTC.
Yet not ONE single one of these 180,704 dead AMERICANS got even one
thousandth of a percent of the news coverage as 5 dead jews.
COMBINED, all 180,704 dead AMERICANS got less news coverage than 5 dead
5 dead jews who are CRIMINALS in the eyes of the 151 of 153 nations and
3,000 NGO's at the UN conference in Durban who condemned them as an
apartheid, terrorist, racist nation.
5 dead jews who live in a country where 85% of the population want to use
nuclear weapons against their "enemies" [read; US], whose religious leaders
have ok'd assassination of the parents of "terrorists", who openly and
publicly torture anyone they choose, who haven't been able to get along with
their own 12 year old neighborhood boys in 4 thousand years
911 is IRRELEVANT!! To you, and particularly to camel jockeys in
When something this IRRELEVANT is being whined about for a year--you'd
better locate the REAL crime that this is designed to conceal.
John Knight