Dear colleagues,
This is a news update on the upcoming Measuring Behavior 2002
conference (27-30 August, Amsterdam). Registration is in progress and
the abstract review has started.
The following special symposia will be of interest for the readers of
this list:
* Behavioral phenotyping in rodents: fundamental issues (organizer:
Frans Sluyter, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK). Invited
- David Wolfer (Department of Anatomy, University of Zurich, Zurich,
- Kari Buck (Department of Behavioral Neuroscience, Oregon Health
Sciences University, Portland, OR, USA)
- Hanno Würbel (Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, University of
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland)
- Kellie McIlwain (Primal Inc., Seattle, WA, USA)
- Robert Gerlai (Neuroscience Department, Lilly Research
Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN, USA)
* Physiological measurements in freely behaving animals (organizers:
Andries Ter Maat and René Jansen (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands). Invited speakers:
- Andreas Nieder (Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA)
- Klaas Kramer (Department of Safety and Environmental Affairs, Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Please note that the extended deadline for abstract submission is
only three days away. If you or a colleague are planning to submit an
abstfact for an oral presentation, poster or demonstration, please do
so before next Tuesday.
We hope to meet many of you in Amsterdam!
With kind regards,
Lucas Noldus
4th International Conference on Methods and Techniques
in Behavioral Research
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-30 August 2002
We are pleased to announce that the 4th International
Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research
will be held at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 27-30 August 2002. Conference host Dr. Gerrit van
der Veer and the fellow members of the scientific program
committee are busy designing an exciting scientific, technical
and social program.
Please use the Abstract Submission Form on the conference web site to
submit your abstract for an oral presentation, poster or
demonstration. The extended deadline for abstract submission is 1
April 2002. The Abstract Submission Form can be accessed directly at
Contributions are welcome on the following topics:
- Behavioral Recording
- Automatic Data Acquisition Techniques
- Brain Imaging and Behavior
- Biotelemetry and Behavior
- Behavior and Physiology
- Acoustics, Speech, Language and Behavior
- Behavioral Analysis
- Test Paradigms for Behavior and Cognition Research
- Teaching Behavior Research Methods
- Other Related Topics
Much more information about the program topics can be found on
the web site.
This year we are introducing a new item on the conference program:
Tutorials. In such a session, an expert presents a instructional
course about certain methods, tools or techniques in behavioral
research. Examples of tutorials that have been proposed are:
"Observational gait analysis: methods, techniques, do's and don'ts";
"Advanced analysis of observational data with Microsoft Excel"; "New
methods and tools for insect behavior and chemoreception research";
"Reliability analysis: theory and practice". In contrast with the
formal papers in oral sessions, the tutorials will have a more
informal and hands-on character, with a mix of theory and examples,
and ample room for questions. If you are an expert on a relevant
methodological topic, or if you know such an expert, please submit
your proposal for a tutorial before April 1st.
In a SIG, the participants discuss a specific methodological or
technical topic. The SIG organized by the Mutant Mouse Behavior
network during MB2000 was an excellent example of the use of such a
session. SIGs can also be used by consortia of organizations who wish
to share project results with delegates and get feedback on concepts
or prototypes. An example is the Visual Lab project presented at
Measuring Behavior 2000. If you wish to organize a SIG during the
conference, please submit your proposal before April 1st.
You can now register online on the conference web site. Just follow
the link from the homepage and you will be registered in no time at
all. Deadline for early registration (reduced fee): 15 May 2002.
A selection of conference presentations will be published as full
articles in a special issue of Behavior Research Methods,
Instrumentation & Computers. If you are interested to submit a
manuscript, please contact us at mb2002 at
1 April: Submission of abstract for oral papers, posters and
1 April: Submission of proposals for SIGs, workshops, tutorials and
user meetings
15 May: Early registration (reduced fee)
Details on presentation formats, deadlines, fees, Amsterdam,
practical information, etc., can be found on the extensive
conference web site:
We look forward to welcoming you to Measuring Behavior 2002
and hope that you will find this event both scientifically
rewarding and stimulating.
Measuring Behavior 2002
Conference Secretariat
P.O. Box 268
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-317-497677
Fax: +31-317-424496
E-mail: mb2002 at