Hiroya <nospam at no.go.jp> wrote:
> I am a scientist majored in cow, and it is very difficoult to approach
> their cerebroventricle in vivo. Do you agree that CSF collected by
> lumber puncture is good materials to monitor neuropeptides (such as
> orexin, NPY, POMC, AGRP, CART etc.), neurosteroids and other neurosignal
> controling feed intake and reproduction? My adress is hiroya at affrc.go.jp.
You should at least do a series of measurements comparing ventricular
CSF and lumbar CSF in varuious situation to see if the concentrations
covary. For instance, as you may know, only about 40 per cent of lumbar
5-HT is considered to be of cerebral origin, the rest is spinal. It may
be different for some neuropeptides. In the case of orexin there is not
to my knowledge any production except in the brain, but at least
orexin B has such a short half-life that lumbar concentrations may be
nonrelevant. For POMC, I believe that much may be of spinal origin.
Dag Stenberg