Time series data?

dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi
Mon Mar 25 10:33:06 EST 2002

Mark Zarella <markidontlikespamzarella at mediaone.net> wrote:
> I'm looking for time series data to analyze for a graduate level spectral
> analysis course I'm currently taking.  Essentially, the task is to utilize
> various parametric techniques and compare it to the techniques and results
> the researcher used.  The data can be just about anything, but I'd like it
> to be something in the field of neuroscience since I'm starting a neuro
> program in the fall.  I've done a couple lycos searches, but nothing I could
> use came up.  Perhaps EEG data?  If you have any web sites to suggest or
> really any ideas otherwise, let me know.  Thanks.

I have vast amounts of time series data (rodent EEGs) in CED format.
Each file is about 100 Mb. I am classifying epochs into various classes
of activity. I could send you some samples. Question is, how much data 
would you really need and in what format?

Dag Stenberg
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