HELP NEEDED: (Brain) Nerve Signals Intercepted by somebody using Devices.

Brian zhil at online.no
Sun Mar 24 14:35:23 EST 2002

You're crazy, seek medical help.


<cssc03 at attglobal.net> skrev i melding news:3c9e22b4_4 at news1.prserv.net...
> I live in Manila, Philippines. I'll withold my name as of the moment,
> because this sounds crazy.
> Its been two years and somebody has been using some devices to intercept my
> thoughts and use my throat to speak his own words. I know its some
> technology that their tinkering on and use on me.
> The person i talk to, know all my thoughts and can control certain energies
> around my body as well. Hard to explain as of now. I need help from anyone
> or doctors who can intercept brain signals.
> Not a joke. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
> You can reach me at xlr800 at hotmail.com

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