Benzodiazepenes and vertigo

mat mats_trash at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 23 15:12:55 EST 2002

Adam Gottschalk <adam at adamgottschalk.net> wrote in message news:<adam-8E919A.09582323032002 at news.fu-berlin.de>...
> How is it that benzodiazepenes like clonazepam, alprazolam, diazepam and 
> others work to supress vertigo? I know this is true with MS, for 
> example, and I assume it's true for many other conditions in which 
> vertigo is an element. It seems clear to me to be more than just the 
> action of alleviating anxiety (which potentially exacerbates vertigo). 
> No one has yet told me _why_ or how this works.

Probably becuase no-one knows - they just found that BDZs work in
patients suffering vertigo.  To know how they work you'd first have to
understand the neural basis of vertigo and given thats an abnormal and
likely complex neural phenomenon together with the fact we still no
very little about the way the brain functions normally at the neuronal
network level, i'd say anyone with a detailed idea on how BDZs help
vertigo, beyond saying they potentiate GABA receptors, is wildly

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