"Ian Field" <i.field at virgin.net> wrote in message news:<SUIm8.2001$k61.573848 at news6-win.server.ntlworld.com>...
>This is the message source of the (Re:) top post that activated the
>warning, and resisted attempts to view it's message source - I had to
>the PC into a "freeze condition" and then recover from that to
disable the
>dialogue box!
>>Does anyone know if/what the stealth capability is on this virus? My
>scanner isn't showing anything - but then I did delete
>bionet.neuroscience.dbx immediately I regained control of the PC.
It isn't a virus in the generally accepted. Its just a javascript
scripts that keeps opening the virus warning window. Other versions
will open new browser windows until your computer freezes.
This is the script:
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function tgos()
while (true)
window.alert("** WARNING ** VirusScan has detected the TGOS
virus on your hard drive. If you have recently opened an email or
newsgroup message and see this alert your system is infected.")