
Nancy Holgate NEHolgate at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 20 20:00:07 EST 2002

in article ZTcl8.24618$w65.3720580 at news6-win.server.ntlworld.com, Ian Field
at i.field at virgin.net wrote on 3/17/02 5:04 PM:

> "Nancy Holgate" <NEHolgate at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:B8BA294E.325A0%NEHolgate at hotmail.com...
>> sorry.
>> Forgot what group was open.
>> Sleep.  I must get sleep.
> And if anyone here could tell me where to find the info I seek - I could
> have pointed out which one of your "slow waves" was malfunctioning.

I already admitted that I made a mistake by posting the above response.  I
do hope that you found the information that you needed and by doing so will
hopefully will be educated enough by now to know the error of your use of
the term "slow waves".
> (don't play with the EEG machine while you're that sleepy -

Don't teel that to poly techs out their who have just as great of chance of
sleep disorder of those that they are testing...

> you might plug the electrode skull-cap into the line-socket by mistake!).

You mean electrode "craps"?  Most self-respecting electroneurodiagnostic
technologist shudder at the thought of using such inferior devices.
Besides, if a lab has followed the guidelines they would no longer have
equiptment/wires with male ends to plug in such outlets.

BTW... a good resource for EEG information (that is up-to-date as well) is
through The American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology.


Good luck

Nancy Holgate R. EEG T.

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