Rejection Reduces IQ

CyberLegend aka Jure Sah jure.sah at guest.arnes.si
Wed Mar 20 01:52:01 EST 2002

mat wrote:
> Erm yeah I'll believe all that about the code when I see it...

Good trick if you work for Microsoft... Don't expect me to be so
trusting to give you all my hard work for free just to proove you wrong!

> > Oh maybe they once did... once about a time. I don't know about the
> > past, but I'm pretty sure they don't have any right now.
> oh good, a social scientist and anthropologist as well as cyberlegend.
> my my.

That is my observation. You might agree with it or not, your choice.

> You are a defect? right...
> And I'm increasingly believing that you are one of these that defines
> themselves as abnormal, on the fringes of society, not fitting in,
> defective etc.. so you can hang out at alt.whatever and appear novel
> and 'cool' just like a hundred thousand others, so its not really that
> different after all.  Defining yourself as not within society is
> pretty well meaningless, only society itself can put you in that
> position.

By scientific definition, I have the Asperger syndrome. The society has
put me in the position of "out of it", namely, at nearly any particular
moment you will se no humans intentionaly within a 2 meter range around
me (sometimes practicaly observable; if there is to be any empty space
in a given room, it will be around me). 

> > I've got instincts that tell me to cooperate with you and help you, so
> > that isn't really my choice.
> You just said humans don't have those instincts anymore?!

Oh, excuse the naming method. The advanced phrase, which I simplify to
"humans" is [let me look up the dictionary] "muggles" (I think). But
since they and their logic is so very common and within their society
thought to be the only truly existant one (logic), "humans" seems to fit
in well and then I'll just say I and my kind are something else (oh, and
it fits well to old Legends as well). Anyway, it's the easiest way to
let humans understand (basicaly they can't, but better than nothing).

Anyway, I don't see any cooperational or pack-keeping instinct with
humans, except with cubs. If you think you do, then you better take
another lesson on what an instinct is...


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