"mat" <mats_trash at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:43525ce3.0203191125.23b58aeb at posting.google.com...
> add to that the work of Roger Traub at Birmingham (UK), Rodolfo
> Llinas, Miles Wittington, Robert Wong at SUNY. None of these deal
> with the EEG explicitly I suppose, but their investigations point to
> the neuronal origin of the recorded activity. Without understanding
> that then the use of the EEG will be no more than correlation of
> quantifiable changes with pathology (as is unfortunately the case with
> many diagnostic tools in neuropsychology)
Once again very many thanks for the research leads.
As good luck would have it, someone I helped out correcting some bugs in
their prototype TENS generator asked if there was anything they could do in
return. There certainly is - it's going to take ages to follow all these
leads and prioritise the most useful information, as I understand it the
person concerned is confined to a wheelchair, and having found commercially
produced tens units entirely inadequate for their requirements - set about
designing their own. So their very generous offer to help me with my
research should be mutually beneficial.
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