Rejection Reduces IQ

C21ILW c21ilw at aol.com
Tue Mar 19 16:24:56 EST 2002

these dynamics have been explained in AoK all along.

it's not "rejection", and there's no "lowering of IQ".

what there is, as is explained in AoK, Ap5, 7 & 8, is an augmentation of global
TD E/I, and this results in all of the nervous systems information-processing
occurring relatively slowly [vs. same nervous system experiencing relatively
minimized TD E/I].

the effect is exactly analogous to the effect of a boss demanding that a worker
"get this [enormous stack of] work done in the next fifteen minutes".

the worker can try, but she/he will descend into "chaos", having an outward
appearance to one who remains unaware of the impossible load, of "being

it's not "rejection", and "IQ" remains unaffected. it's only performance that

big difference.

that all of this is not generally comprehended is not only a sorrow, but an
awesome ravager of Humanity, willfully-sustained, being akin to self-imolation.

k. p. collins

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