VWR Canlab sell nucleopore filter products.
Hope this helps
elisabetta caspani wrote:
> Dear sirs,
> I would urgently need a polycarbonate membrane with 8-micron pores
> (Nucleopore, Pleasanton, CA), but I have not a catalogue to order it. May
> You kindly tell me how to do to have it, for example the address of the
> company whici sell it?
> Waiting for Your prompt replay, I thamnk You very much for Your attention.
>> Best regards
> Elisabetta Caspani
> Elisabetta Caspani
> c/o Professor J.V. Small
> Institute of Molecular Biology, Austrian Academy of Science
> Billrothstrasse 11, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
> Phone +43-662-63961-15
> Fax +43-662-63961-40
> e-mail ecaspani at imb.oeaw.ac.at>> ---