Rejection Reduces IQ

mat mats_trash at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 19 12:16:54 EST 2002

Erm yeah I'll believe all that about the code when I see it...

> > Did you ever think that humans have an instinct to form societies?
> Oh maybe they once did... once about a time. I don't know about the
> past, but I'm pretty sure they don't have any right now. 

oh good, a social scientist and anthropologist as well as cyberlegend.
my my.

> Basicaly it
> would be good to know what humans think they understand under "an
> instinct to form societies", I am only a defect I will never know...

You are a defect? right...

> > Why are you collaborating with others if society is not 'the human
> > way'? 
> Huh? The society IS "the human way" (whatever is that actualy supposed
> to mean)... **I** am not "the human way", that's your problem... 

And I'm increasingly believing that you are one of these that defines
themselves as abnormal, on the fringes of society, not fitting in,
defective etc.. so you can hang out at alt.whatever and appear novel
and 'cool' just like a hundred thousand others, so its not really that
different after all.  Defining yourself as not within society is
pretty well meaningless, only society itself can put you in that

> I've got instincts that tell me to cooperate with you and help you, so
> that isn't really my choice.

You just said humans don't have those instincts anymore?!

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