"Kyle Capizzi" <kcapizzi at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:IIBl8.71024$q2.8331 at sccrnsc01...
>> OK, Ian. You're getting a little annoying now. What you have been asked
> numerous times is simply, "what are you looking to know?" Usually when an
> intelligent person sees a broad question obviously asked by a neophyte,
> look to narrow down the question in hopes they can keep you from going
> hither and yon and finding people claiming to read "brainwaves" and tell
> what you want for breakfast.
>> Now that you have gone out and insulted a professional (R EEG T means
> registered EEG Tech) who facetiously wrote "brainwave technologist". I
> agree she asked the wrong question, but you must admit it had much to do
> with your unprepared question. There is a lot of junk floating around on
> usenet and people tend to protect their turf. Do you still want help in
> finding what you need or did you get enough help with "mindwaves"?
>> It sounds like you've picked up a lot of articles and are devouring them.
> What are the questions you think you're answering? I'm interested to see
> how you've made them fit your reality...
>>> "Ian Field" <i.field at virgin.net> wrote in message
> news:CXol8.30511$VP6.4812210 at news2-win.server.ntlworld.com...> >
> > "mat" <mats_trash at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > news:43525ce3.0203170828.674c6bbd at posting.google.com...> > > Checkout the work of Walter J. Freeman at UC Berkeley and G. Buzsaki
> > > (I.m not sure where his group is , but I think his name is sufficently
> > > rare to give you the page on a general web search!). Freeman deals
> > > with the changes in the cortical EEG in response to perception,
> > > whereas Buzsaki is concerned with the theta rhythms of the
> > > hippocampus. Both sites have a large number of papers for free
> > > download, so their references should give you ideas for wider
> > > searching later on. Freeman has also published a few books which you
> > > can get on Amazon.
> > >
> > > Cheers
> >
> > Very many thanks for the only intelligent response from this NG. So far
> I've
> > only had time to follow up on one of the references you provided -
> J
> > Freeman, this author has provided numerous articles relevant to my
study -
> > many of which have a keyword list at the top and a bibliography reading
> list
> > at the bottom. Compiling a table of links from these references has
> a
> > full days work and swapping in an empty hard-drive to accommodate the
> > research resources, so it will probably take another few days to search
> > through and prioritise the most relevant publications so study can begin
> > properly.
> >
> > It is very sad that one of the least helpful replies to my request for
> > suggestions on where to search for relevant research resources - ignored
> the
> > fact that I had asked that very question and demanded to know; "why are
> you
> > asking that here?"! This is from someone claiming to be a "brainwave
> > technologist" - if this is the standard of the 'professionals' in the
> > field - the human race is in very serious trouble indeed!
> >
> >
> > ---
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> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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> >
> >
>The term "neophyte" is hardly appropriate either in a scientific context -
or in view of the fact that I'm an agnostic infidel!
Only ONE person on this NG who responded to my entirely reasonable request
did so in a way that would be expected from an intelligent professional
person - and for their sake I will keep my opinion to myself.
If you find my posts irritating & annoying, you can always add me to your
blocked sender list (killfile) - but this might be a rather superfluous
action, since I now have much better things to do (like studying) than get
into a petty row with a bunch of ignorant louts who go around putting on
airs & graces and claiming to be intelligent professionals!
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