about Frank Tallis book

Sirius Black SiriusBlack at hotpop.com
Tue Mar 19 07:42:26 EST 2002

Hi to all,

I am from Croatia, and in one newspaper I find article dedicaded to "Brain
Week". In this article I learn abot Frank Tallis book "Hidden Mind".
Author of this article put title:"Freud has right, men is a puppet behind
stand and rule hiden mind."
I find how is author did`t read book, than is only rewrite review from
internet. In this article he said how is modern neuroscience after 63 years
prove how is Freud has right and also said: " One of the greatest
misconceptions about Freud is that he discovered the unconscious. He didn't.
However, he can be credited with recognising it as a hugely significant idea
and then popularising it with fanatical enthusiasm. It was he who suggested
that our most valued characteristics - free will, rationality and a sense of
self - are mere illusions, and he who made the unconscious an indispensable
addition to the modern vocabulary. Then Freud fell from favour. "
Now, I am interested, does anybody read this book and what really Frank
Tallis intend. Also, can anbody explain me where is now term of "free will".
When I said "free will" I mean on human responsibility for own acts. Good or
bad. Cretive or destructive.

Thank you in advance,


P.S. I apologize to all users of rhis NG for my bad English. I hope how you
can understand me.

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