"Ian Field" <i.field at virgin.net> wrote in message news:<_nll8.26275$w65.4157073 at news6-win.server.ntlworld.com>...
> Quite simple really! - more than just a "rote" table of the basic EEG slow
> waves; alpha, beta, delta, theta. Do these frequency bands themselves
> subdivide into bands?
>> Among the things I'm looking for is background to the discovery and
> subsequent research, any data on interpretation of these waves in the
> diagnosis of illness - and hopefully even some sample schematics of
> electronic instruments relevant to this field of research.
>> Instead - I find a couple of pages with very basic slow wave frequency
> tables swamped by thousands of pages of "bury it type subterfuge" on
> philosophical analyses of consciousness and humanities and the arts!
As I said in the other post, check out those researchers' sites as
they have loads of papers for download, many of them to do with the
origin of the EEG and thus of what use it is as a diagnostic tool.
Freeman's work might be especially useful in preparing the ground for
the use of the EEG in looking at neuropsychological disorders becuase
he deals a lot in the EEG in perception. I would also suggest you
look up magnetoencephalography (MEG) which has similar uses to EEG.
If you look up "vectorview" you'll get a website for MEG equippment (a
bit strange looking and v. expensive!) but they also have loads of
refernces to papers validating the technique. As for EEG kit,
shouldn't be hard to find.
Try this page I just found