Rejection Reduces IQ

CyberLegend aka Jure Sah jure.sah at guest.arnes.si
Mon Mar 18 16:13:48 EST 2002

Woohoo a human with questions... What a luxury!

mat wrote:
> Well you have to question the ideas of anyone who seriously gives
> themselves the nickname CyberLegend, and whose companions also go by
> such names as Meson Cyborg.

Whatever our nicknames have to do with our minds... That standard logic
doesn't apply to us, obviously... Our nicks are the way they are, mostly
because we spend most of our lives in cyberspace...

> Anyway, apart from that, what you have to
> say is tripe, as is much of that on your site.  Supposedly a hub of
> activity on forming a distributed AI lifeform across millions of PCs
> worldwide, the most complex piece of code I could find was for a
> simple word game....

Not that the available software (or better yet, freeware games) have
anything to do with our work, but that distributed lifeform is pretty
respectfully advanced thingy, even at this stage (yes, it does exist...
in compiled EXE code!). You won't find it on a download site, because we
intend selling it... Documentation is pretty scarse about it too,
because we don't want to make it a light snack for Microsoft!

Oh and, nobody said it should be AI. That practical idea only kind of
came along. It's pretty much up to the user to decide what he wants to
call it, to us it's only ICI and that tells all the story of it's

> Did you ever think that humans have an instinct to form societies?

Oh maybe they once did... once about a time. I don't know about the
past, but I'm pretty sure they don't have any right now. Basicaly it
would be good to know what humans think they understand under "an
instinct to form societies", I am only a defect I will never know...

> Why are you collaborating with others if society is not 'the human
> way'? 

Huh? The society IS "the human way" (whatever is that actualy supposed
to mean)... **I** am not "the human way", that's your problem... And
I've got instincts that tell me to cooperate with you and help you, so
that isn't really my choice.

> Why do you call yourself CyberLegend? (that last question just
> out of curiosity)

I'm pretty much a helper in various discussions around USENET
(about-hardware groups included, so you know the nature of that help)
and I thought I've got to be cool somewhere...


Cellphone: 0038640809676 

Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly

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