"mat" <mats_trash at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:43525ce3.0203170828.674c6bbd at posting.google.com...
> Checkout the work of Walter J. Freeman at UC Berkeley and G. Buzsaki
> (I.m not sure where his group is , but I think his name is sufficently
> rare to give you the page on a general web search!). Freeman deals
> with the changes in the cortical EEG in response to perception,
> whereas Buzsaki is concerned with the theta rhythms of the
> hippocampus. Both sites have a large number of papers for free
> download, so their references should give you ideas for wider
> searching later on. Freeman has also published a few books which you
> can get on Amazon.
>> Cheers
Very many thanks for the only intelligent response from this NG. So far I've
only had time to follow up on one of the references you provided - Walter J
Freeman, this author has provided numerous articles relevant to my study -
many of which have a keyword list at the top and a bibliography reading list
at the bottom. Compiling a table of links from these references has taken a
full days work and swapping in an empty hard-drive to accommodate the
research resources, so it will probably take another few days to search
through and prioritise the most relevant publications so study can begin
It is very sad that one of the least helpful replies to my request for
suggestions on where to search for relevant research resources - ignored the
fact that I had asked that very question and demanded to know; "why are you
asking that here?"! This is from someone claiming to be a "brainwave
technologist" - if this is the standard of the 'professionals' in the
field - the human race is in very serious trouble indeed!
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