Rejection Reduces IQ

mat mats_trash at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 18 11:37:23 EST 2002

Well you have to question the ideas of anyone who seriously gives
themselves the nickname CyberLegend, and whose companions also go by
such names as Meson Cyborg.  Anyway, apart from that, what you have to
say is tripe, as is much of that on your site.  Supposedly a hub of
activity on forming a distributed AI lifeform across millions of PCs
worldwide, the most complex piece of code I could find was for a
simple word game....

Did you ever think that humans have an instinct to form societies? 
Why are you collaborating with others if society is not 'the human
way'?  Why do you call yourself CyberLegend? (that last question just
out of curiosity)

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