
Ian Field i.field at virgin.net
Mon Mar 18 07:58:33 EST 2002

Call it a hunch - but I thought the people on this NG might be more likely
to make constructive suggestions on how/where to search for a more
appropriate NG (or any other relevant resource) for the information/resource
I'm looking for than the users on alt.tv.animaniacs.pinky-brain . However -
having read the replies so far, with only one exception! - I think I
probably might have got more sense out of the people on the other

"Nancy Holgate" <NEHolgate at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:B8BA2897.3259F%NEHolgate at hotmail.com...
> in article Yowk8.8344$w65.1056847 at news6-win.server.ntlworld.com, Ian Field
> at i.field at virgin.net wrote on 3/15/02 2:28 PM:
> bionet.neuroscience
> Why are you asking here?
> Nancy Holgate R. EEG T.
> (brainwave technologist)
> > Please could anyone suggest keywords to use for searching for newsgroups
> > any other resources) dealing with brainwaves (0.5 - 20Hz)?
> >
> >
> > ---
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