Rejection Reduces IQ

CyberLegend aka Jure Sah jure.sah at guest.arnes.si
Mon Mar 18 03:40:24 EST 2002

Davey wrote:
> >And one more thing: Humans are not social beings. Ants, fish and wolves
> >are, but not humans. Humans have absolutely no social instincts aside
> >the sexual ones...
> Well your final paragraph sums up nicely the rest of your message -
> poorly reasoned impulsive rubbish. Get someone you know socially  to
> help you to remove that large chip on your shoulder...oops, I forgot,
> you don't know anyone socially  :)

Standard human response... You never wanted and never will understand us
others, we're either animals, proorly reasoned impulsive idiotos, crazy
people or defects. I could say I once had hope for you, but now...

And... I know my own society, for the diffirence from you, instinct
keeps us toghather, not alchochol. Stupid suecidal humans.

Get real.


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