"Davey" <davey at null.com> wrote in message
news:92806733AD430871.53F6D1EA7DDDBC41.23C5B521CD033D6C at lp.airnews.net...
> On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 17:11:54 +0100, CyberLegend aka Jure Sah
> <jure.sah at guest.arnes.si> wrote:
> >
> >And one more thing: Humans are not social beings. Ants, fish and wolves
> >are, but not humans. Humans have absolutely no social instincts aside
> >the sexual ones...
> >
> Well your final paragraph sums up nicely the rest of your message -
> poorly reasoned impulsive rubbish. Get someone you know socially to
> help you to remove that large chip on your shoulder...oops, I forgot,
> you don't know anyone socially :)
>> --
> Davey
Nice going Davey. You just dropped Jures IQ another 25 points!
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