Rejection Reduces IQ

CyberLegend aka Jure Sah jure.sah at guest.arnes.si
Sun Mar 17 11:11:54 EST 2002

Ian Goddard wrote:
> Rejection can dramatically reduce a person's IQ and their ability
> to reason analytically, while increasing their aggression, according
> to new research.

As always, specialized scientists living under a rock...

> "It's been known for a long time that rejected kids tend to be more
> violent and aggressive," says Roy Baumeister of the Case Western
> Reserve University in Ohio, who led the work. "But we've found that
> randomly assigning students to rejection experiences can lower their
> IQ scores and make them aggressive."

Westren logic: "Anything true for the American society is true for
everybody on this planet!" Like hell... Just because your president
punched his father, dosen't mean that the entire world is inhabited only
with vandals and excuse my use of words.

> "These are very big effects - the biggest I've got in 25 years of
> research," says Baumeister. "This tells us a lot about human nature.
> People really seem designed to get along with others, and when you're
> excluded, this has significant effects."

I guess the next thing I'll read will be that humans are the perfect
social beings, eh? Clueless... A human is nothing more than an animal
robbed for nearly all of it's instincts. An active instinct will cause
one's reasoning to change, not to dissapear. IQ tests, another Westeren
sick invention, do not measure anything other but simmilarity of

> Baumeister thinks rejection interferes with a person's self-control.
> "To live in society, people have to have an inner mechanism that
> regulates their behaviour. Rejection defeats the purpose of this,
> and people become impulsive and self-destructive. You have to use
> self-control to analyse a problem in an IQ test, for example - and
> instead, you behave impulsively."

Oh, god you're smart... You seriously belive the human body is MADE TO
SELF-DESTRUCT?! EEEEP, guess again!

The "inner mechanism" regarding a person's function in a society is long
gone with all except a few defects; the human society is artificial not
instinctive. And in case you were wondering: Yes indeed, stress is

>   "And the only way we can change that [antiquated view]
>   is through more public awareness. I mean, essentially,
>   these are no-fault brain disorders. These diseases are
>   physiological, they respond to medicine."
> The last sentence contains the crux of the fallacy of contemporary
> psychiatry... that because mental states "respond to medicine"
> they are thereby proven to be caused by internal brain disorders
> that came into existence independent of environmental influences.
> That view is a naked fallacy. The brain is not isolated, it is an
> environmentally interactive and intersocial organ. Many studies
> demonstrating that intersocial dynamics change brain states
> demonstrate that there is no reason to assume that brain states
> come into existence free from external influences, nor to assume
> that the ability to change those states by chemical means proves
> that their causal basis is divorced from external influences.
> The entire edifice of contemporary psychiatry rests on a fallacy.

I suppose you thought that the brain dosen't really exist, that the mind
is in another dimension or something... How else could one explain that
you find it strange that in-mind activity relates to observable brain

Sigh... I suppose you also find it strange that the mouse cursor no
longer moves, once you disconnect the mouse from the port.

And one more thing: Humans are not social beings. Ants, fish and wolves
are, but not humans. Humans have absolutely no social instincts aside
the sexual ones...


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