Serves you right for messing with AI mind!
You are searching the wrong places. My favorite web search engine
is Searching "Deep Brain Stimulation" and
"Vagus Nerve Stimulation" produced a significant number of useful
If you want research literature instead, you should be searching the
National (US) Library of Medicine or PubMed at
On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 12:59:05 -0000, "Ian Field" <i.field at>
>Thanks - but I was already aware of that, although since you mention them I
>suppose I could type them into the newsgroup searchbox and see what
>happens - probably the same as when I tried DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) and
>VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulation). both of these searchterms are far more
>specialised than the topic I'm looking for, but nothing I've tried so far
>has produced a result. When I found bionet.neuroscience I thought I'd found
>it - but alas not!
>>Additionally - yesterday I wasted a lot of time on a webpage with an AI mind
>robot that didn't seem to do very much, although when I typed "AI Mind =
>Stupid!" it did have the smarts to call me stupid back!
>>>"Bob Nienhuis" <nienhuis at> wrote in message
>news:3C92EC13.CB522CCB at>> Brainwaves are frequently referred to as spectral bands, eg; alpha,
>> beta,
>> delta, theta etc.
>>>> Bob
>>nienhuis at>>>> Ian Field wrote:
>> >
>> > Please could anyone suggest keywords to use for searching for newsgroups
>> > any other resources) dealing with brainwaves (0.5 - 20Hz)?
>> >
>> > ---
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