"Ian Field" <i.field at virgin.net> wrote on Sat, 16 Mar 2002:
> [...] Additionally - yesterday I wasted a lot of time on a
> webpage with an AI mind robot that didn't seem to do very much,
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/jsaimind.html -- the Robot AI Mind?
> although when I typed "AI Mind = Stupid!"
> it did have the smarts to call me stupid back!
>By the probable author of the Robot AI Mind mentioned above,
please be advised that you have encountered the world's
most advanced (if not only) publicly available True AI system,
based on a widely respected and thoroughly original
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/theory5.html Theory of Mind.
>> "Bob Nienhuis" <nienhuis at wgn.net> wrote in message
> news:3C92EC13.CB522CCB at wgn.net...>> Brainwaves are frequently referred to as spectral bands,
>> eg; alpha, beta, delta, theta etc.
>>>> Bob
>>nienhuis at ucla.edu>>>> Ian Field wrote:
>> >
>> > Please could anyone suggest keywords to use for searching for
>> > newsgroups (or any other resources) dealing with brainwaves
>> > (0.5 - 20Hz)? [...]
A.T. Murray
http://mind.sourceforge.net/index.html -- the Mind in JavaScript;
http://users.resentment.org/ai/you.html -- web-host your AI Mind;
http://www.nanomagazine.com/01_10_24 -- interview @ Nanomagazine;
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/mind4th.html -- Mind.Forth Robot AI.