Genetic knowledge question

Rich Hargrave rmhargrave at shaw.ca
Wed Mar 13 22:04:24 EST 2002

What you want to look for is described as the triune brain, along with it
are descriptions of behaviours that have been associated to the separtae
patrs of it.  These behaviours have been assess by ablation experiements
performed on cats.  It is really quite interesting.
"CyberLegend aka Jure Sah" <jure.sah at guest.arnes.si> wrote in message
news:3C8CA783.1B8D42D3 at guest.arnes.si...
> Hello readers,
> Please excuse me for my lack of detailed knowledge in neurology; I am
> nothing but an interested amateur.
> I have heard that the human brain could be split down to two major parts
> from the evolutionary point of view: #1 The part that is also common
> with reptiles and #2 the part that is new with mamals. I have concluded,
> but this is not as important nor relevant, that instincts are located in
> #1 and the dubbed 'mind' in #2.
> I have also heard that #2 is particulary diffirent with humans and is
> not perfectly fused onto #1. I have concluded that as it has evolved,
> none but the sexual instincts were important from the evolutionary point
> of view and that it is so that normal humans (or their #2) only have
> access to sexual instincts in #1.
> The questions here are:
> - Is it possible that at some point in time, there would be a human (or
> his #2) who would have access to all of #1? I belive so, but I am not
> the person to be sure about it.
> - If such a person would exist, what would it's behaviour be like? I
> have the feeling that there is lots of usefull genetic knowledge in #1
> and that the effect on such a person's personality would be great, this
> person would be a little above average capable, but would score lower
> than average on (IQ) tests, because the instinct could be making it hard
> for it to cooperate.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Cellphone: 0038640809676
> Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly
> reply.
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