Uncontroled seizures

Matt Jones jonesmat at physiology.wisc.edu
Mon Mar 4 14:17:29 EST 2002

BROOK254 at webtv.net (DAVID JENKINS) wrote in message news:<2740-3C82D504-726 at storefull-106.iap.bryant.webtv.net>...
> I've had seizures the neuologst I'm going to hasn't been able to get
> under control for the past 2 year do you think it warnts 2nd opinion
> after 2 years?

Many people have "intractable" seizures that don't respond to
treatment. It may be that your seizures are of this type. However, the
only thing that could be bad about seeking a second opinion is if it
hindered your relationship with your current neurologist. If he/she is
good and has your best interests in mind, then they should not object
to you getting a second opinion. If they object or make you feel
uncomfortable about getting a second opinion, that's a bad sign.

Note: I am -not- a healthcare professional, and this is just my own
uninformed opinion.

For additional information for patients, see www.aesnet.org, the
American Epilepsy Society's website.

Good luck,


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