> 1 What is your definition of the notions 'mind' and 'scientific'?
>> GS: The term "scientific" was never at issue. That you ask "What is your
> definition of..." shows a very, very typical misunderstanding. The
> of "mind" is no less than all of the ways it is used. So "my" definition
> does not really matter. My position is that the "mind" is as worthless as
> "ether" or "phlogiston."
How do you identify the functional properties of the phenomenon 'Man'?
Frans van der Walle
GS: Well, if you are talking about behavior, you first must identify
analytical units, and their relevant properties. The operant and the
respondent are such units. The principle properties of the operant are
repeatability and temporal locus. Then one manipulates the environment and
notes changes in the dependent measures.
>> 2 Do I understand correctly that you see mind and brain as two completely
> separate entities? Or is your opinion the other way around; what is then
> relationship between mind and brain?
>> GS: Basically, I am saying that there is no such thing as the mind.
>>> 3 You state that nothing is stored in the brain. What is your explanation>
for remembering now what you did yesterday?
>> GS: The brain is changed by exposure to the environment. It does not
> that anything has been stored.
'To change' is a synonym of 'to store'!
Frans van der Walle
GS: Sorry, this is incorrect.