mat <mats_trash at> schreef in berichtnieuws
43525ce3.0202281113.3ed9a26b at
> Biography of Man describes that history
> > of a living (and
> > changing) entity from its inception as an initial multi-cell life form
> > 700 million years
> > ago) up to its present status.
>> And you have evidence for this?
Yes, read my book.
>> Yes fine becuase no-one had a counter observation. Your model
> suggests Hopfield networks in the brain employing simple logic gates.
> I can point to a few thousand papers which show neurons are not logic
> gates.
Hopfield networks require much more functionality than simple logic gates.
Storing of a vector requires an iterative update of all 1/2(n(n-1))
connections between the n nodal points of a Hopfield network according to
'Heb's rule'.
>> > If you require that all aspects from small to large have to be
> > included/solved at the same time,
> > you block all progress.
>> Not at all, I don't need psychology to deal with neuronal function,
> but it definitely must not violate what is known about it! I can't
> suggest in my pop psychology theory that neurons are arranged in
> hopfield networks, and in their non-coding DNA their behaviour is
> encoded. Its contradictory to decades of research, and it doesn't
> even yield a worthwhile conclusion.
You have an explanation/function for non-coding DNA?
>> > In my case it means e.g. that it is
> > worthwhile to
> > investigate wat difference there is in the brain activation between an
> > englishman writing the
> > word ‘table' and a german writing the word ‘Tafel'.
>> I thoroughly agree that measuring brain activation in these different
> circumstances would be interesting (and I'm sure its been done using
> fMRI, PET or something else) but your method can't hope to be of any
> use in doing so.
You don't know if you don't read it!
>> > If my modelling is
> > correct, then there is
> > no difference in the cortex activation but there must be a difference in
> > either the cranial nerve
> > nuclei or in the brain stem / spinal cord ‘pattern generators'.
>> What modelling? So now you actually have an artifically evolved brain
> somewhere? that can understand, read and write English and German.
> Your either extremely secretive or just lying now! You would have
> made a huge leap forward in AI were that claim true and you wouldn't
> be discussing it here.
>> Anyway, to suggest that semantic concepts are identically modelled in
> different people who speak different languages is wrong. For analgous
> situations check out the work of Walter J. Freeman who has shown that
> neural activation to a stimulus is different across individuals, and
> within individuals depending on context.
That is a different story; the mind is indeed a complex phenomenon. I have
only (tried to) tackle an (important) part of its functionality.
Therefore, the cortical
> activation changes with meaning. Your really haven't done any
> reseacrh apart from a few books on psychology have you? And now you
> claim to have uncovered the architecture of the cerebral cortex....
>> > I don't know sufficiently what can be
> > measured with present
> > measuring techniques.
> > There will remain therefore always a ‘terra incognita', regarding
the ‘inner
> > workings', as you
> > expressed it.
>> Well I'm sure there would if I wanted it in terms of quantum
> mechanics, but I think understanding it in terms of action potentials,
> protein dynamics etc. is rather well within our grasp given time.
Good luck!
>>> > $7 My modelling is now a 1000 page handbook ‘Biography of Man'
with some 6
> > underlying
> > research documents, parts I through IV, VIII and IX. We are planning now
> > three year
> > refinement and extension research program in cooperation with the
> > psycho-neuro-
> > pharmacological dept of professor Alexander Cools of Nijmegen University
> > (KUN). It will
> > (hopefully) lead to a number of scientific publications, aimed at very
> > specific aspects of the
> > modelling procedure. The planned research subjects are more or less
> > identified by the list of
> > questions I cited in my summary of my request for comment in my
> > communication of 23-02-2002. This three year follow-up research project
> > lead to a
> > software implementation of the modelling environment (in fact a
> > psychology
> > implementation). We plan to use it for two applications:
> > One for supporting managers in strategic decision making in a
> > environment.
>> So all you are doing is creating neural net that learns to make
> decisions. I don't think that constitutes having modelled the brain
You are a fast judge!