Nyquist <giddeon_nyquist at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Actually I have heard only good things about the Igor software. I was just
> wondering this Igor software is from Wavemetrics, right? And do you find
> it user friendly?
Well...userfriendly is a hard word for software used to analyse large
amounts of data. It is very powerful, scalable and as far as I have used
runs very stabely.
If userfreindliness means doing everything using menus: no, it is not.
If it means being able to do, what you want: yes!
You cannot avoid scripting and programming, if you want to achieve
things like automation, online-analysis, etc. But, learning to program
Igor (yes, from Wavemetrics) is not all that hard and you find alot of
support within the program.
The largest step is taken, once you have understood the concept of waves
as a means of storing data. An elegant, but somewhat different
h2h, Chris