uj797 at victoria.tc.ca (Arthur T. Murray) wrote in message news:<3c7a4307 at news.victoria.tc.ca>
> ATM/Mentifex:
> There is another project at http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/> in which the ontogeny of the Robot AI Mind recapitulates
> the morphogenesis of the human central nervous system:
> User Bio for Mentifex
> The plodding, low-skilled seed AI coder embedded as ATM
> in the Robot AI Mind source code which you may copy and
> Web-host, inserting your own geek DNA (initials & date)
> in the comment field of lines that you tweak or modules
> that you create and dnate in the immortal genome of AI.
more bollocks.
To illustrate the degree of bolloxity, consider the following quotes
from the
so-called "Theory" page number 5. These were not entirely randomly
selected; they are the first sentences leading into various
explanatory paragraphs. I reproduce them here as a service to nascent
AI-Brain/Mind Citizens everywhere. It is my great honor to act as an
instrument of your AI-Brain/Mind-Meme propagation!
"Each flow of information is along one of the dimensions of
the mind."
"Dimensionality is the quality of being dimensional, of
having dimensions."
"Although the mind exists within the brain, the mind is not a
material, physical being."
"The first dimensional component of your mind is the straight
and linear record of its sensory input, in parallel with the
straight and linear "keyboard" of its motor output."
"Your mind sits at one end of the loop and contemplates your
environment at the other end of the loop."
(I didn't realize a loop had two ends...)
"It is critical to your comprehension of this mind-model that
you think of the sensory and motor pathways as flowing in
parallel, but in opposite directions along the temporal dimension
of the mind."
"After the information in any one sensory pathway has reached
the brain and gone through all required feature-extraction, the
information enters the mind by entering the permanent memory
channel for that particular sensory modality. "
(I recall a Dr. Who episode where the Doctor has shrunk himself and
his sidekick down and crawled inside a brain (his own, I think). At
one stage, he points off screen and shouts "Look, Romana! There's the
Mind-Brain Interface! This must be what the author is referring to
"The distinction between preliminary portions of the brain
and the mind itself is based upon a functional demarcation line
beyond which information is free to flow not just along its
original dimension but orthogonally sideways out into other
dimensions of the mind."
(He's on a roll now. The sentences are getting longer and longer.)
" The brain-mind records the informational content of each
sensory channel by routing the information through what is both a
transmission channel and an extremely long series of engram-nodes."
" You start out with your sensory nerves and pathways going
through any required feature-extraction and then feeding into
immensely long channels of tabula rasa memory."
"The flatness of each memory-channel matters to the brain,
but not to the mind. "
(one of my favorites, that one)
"Each sensory memory channel is isolated unto itself, except
for the associative tags which lead away at right (orthogonal)
angles from the time-dimension of the memory channel."
(oh, changed my mind. That last one is my favorite)
"You must have a thorough comprehension of the sensory and
motor plane or "grid" of the mind before you study the two levels
of superstructure by which mankind achieves rational intellect."
"If a central nervous system did not have memory as a record
of experience (and as an enabling mechanism for learning), then
its sensory nerves would have to lead directly to its motor
(Ah, finally. Some biology. Turns out that this is exactly what
happens. Sensory nerves branch extensively before they get to the
brain, usually leading directly back to a motor center.)
"Notice something general about the information-loop in which
the sensory and motor pathways do not meet but instead launch
into a parallel race into the future."
"In other words, if you comprehend the associative sentient
grid which is the lowest of the three levels of mind, you are now
ready to proceed to the examination of the second level of mind."
There's a lot more (and it's minutes of fun for the whole family), but
I'll have to stop and re-read the whole thing because I don't yet
comprehend the associateive sentient drid which is the lowest of the
three levels of the mind.
Happy modeling,