Modelling the human brain by modelling its evolutionary emergence

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Mon Feb 25 08:58:31 EST 2002

mats_trash at hotmail.com (mat) dnated the Usenet record on 25 Feb 2002:
> It is a little clearer now and many of the problems
> I raised are dissipated becuase in fact your project
There is another project at http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/ 
in which the ontogeny of the Robot AI Mind recapitulates
the morphogenesis of the human central nervous system:

User Bio for Mentifex
The plodding, low-skilled seed AI coder embedded as ATM
in the Robot AI Mind source code which you may copy and
Web-host, inserting your own geek DNA (initials & date)
in the comment field of lines that you tweak or modules
that you create and dnate in the immortal genome of AI.

> If you start out with 'neuronal assemblies' then
> what you are in fact doing is more akin to modelling
> the embryonic and post-natal development of the brain.
> Nothing to do with evolution.  This is not to denegrate
> the merits of the project, but to just be explicit
> about what you are doing. What your project may do
> is highlight some of the developmental mechanisms
> by which the immature brain responds to its environment.
> But again this is not evolution.  [...]
Arthur T. Murray
http://mind.sourceforge.net/mind4th.html -- Seed AI;
http://slashdot.org/~Mentifex/ -- user background;
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/mind4th.html -- Mind.
h t t p : / / your source code DNA goes here

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