I apologize in advance should this post be OT in this newsgroup.
Could we guess what kind of neurochemical imbalance (if any) is present in
a person from the fact that feels a positive mood almost exclusively on
sleep deprivation?
nicotine and caffeine abuse could be an important fact:
- 45-60 cigarettes/day
- 8-15 coffe cup/day
- 10-12 hours sleeping (12-14 hours awake)
- waking up leads to depression and obsessive thinking for about 1 1/2 hour
(extreme smoking and coffe drinking in this state: up to 15 cigarettes and 5
- on sleep deprivation, cigarettes and coffe intake is *naturally* much
smaller (1-2 cigarettes/hour, 1 coffe every 2-3 hours) .
Thanks anyone.