big/small brain intelligence, A.I.

ShaDoW grafixx at jps.net
Sat Feb 23 00:07:47 EST 2002

i seem to remember hearing in a neuro class a couple years back that
regardless of wether or not a persons head/brain size is big or small
it really has nothing to do with intelligence.  anyone know anything
about this?   i ask because in a class which was based around
artificial intelligence and protein computers etc, there was a chart
which showed the opposite.  a bee for example could process
information quicker than us and when searching for new technology the
smaller the components the faster/better.  i guess my question is, if
a persons brain is small does that mean that t can possibly process
info faster because the electrons have a shorter space to travel, or
am i just misunderstanding everything? i do remember eric drexler said
our brains were just biological computers which process information.

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