rnorman at umich.edu (Richard Norman) wrote in message news:<47487899.0202211931.1da8d040 at posting.google.com>...
>howardolson at ausi.com (Howard Olson) wrote in message news:<b22fc72b.0202211317.ca2f95d at posting.google.com>...
> > Does anyone know about the issue of reincarnation versus genetic memory?
> > It seems possible that there could be a connection....
> >
> I don't know about the alt.paranormal news groups, but as
> far as the neuroscience group you cross-posted to is concerned,
> all this is old hat. Since our memories are coded in our DNA
> which is passed on to our offspring, there is not even a question.
Are you trolling or serious about this "memory is coded in our DNA"
Certainly, our -capacity- for memory is coded in DNA to some degree,
since that's the blueprint for the machinery that will ultimately hold
the memories. But are you saying that you think -individual- memories
are coded in DNA?
I think that whole flatworm/cannibalism/memory thing is all bogus.
It simply hasn't held up in the face of continued investigation, and
now mainly just gets cited by new-age dieticians who want you to buy
their cosmic brain-enhancing wheatgerm pills or whatever.
Here's some info about how and why McConnel' s original flatworm
claims have been discredited:
Hartry, AL et al. 1964. Planaria: memory transfer through cannibalism
re-examined. Science 146: 274-275.