Reincarnation versus "Genetic Memory"

Richard Norman rnorman at umich.edu
Thu Feb 21 22:31:32 EST 2002

howardolson at ausi.com (Howard Olson) wrote in message news:<b22fc72b.0202211317.ca2f95d at posting.google.com>...
> Does anyone know about the issue of reincarnation versus genetic memory?
> It seems possible that there could be a connection....
I don't know about the alt.paranormal news groups, but as
far as the neuroscience group you cross-posted to is concerned,
all this is old hat.  Since our memories are coded in our DNA
which is passed on to our offspring, there is not even a question.

(Hint to you alt.paranormals -- neither reincarnation nor
genetic memory nor any of the nonsense I just spouted has
anything to do with science, the supposed subject of
bionet.neuroscience.  So please kill the cross-post.)

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