Reincarnation versus "Genetic Memory"

suzee qiuser at nidlink.com
Thu Feb 21 21:38:35 EST 2002

Steve S. wrote:
<snip an interesting post>
> So, bottom-line, I don't think it's a matter of "either-or"...
> Steve S.

I would tend to agree; I think it's possibly a mixture of both. My
ex-husband seemed to strongly identify with daily life and such of a
soldier in the Roman Army. eing half-Italian (and not much of a believer
in reincarnation), he put it down to genetic memory. I identify strongly
with the Roman Britain era, and part of my ancestry is English (and I
resonate strongly about certain other time periods in English history as
well). However, I feel we probably *were* together at some point in time
where he, in the Roman army, came to Britannia where I lived. And other
people I have interacted with in this life seem to have ancestry which I
also share (German, for example). So maybe it is "both/and"


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