"Steve S." <nospam at microsoft.com> schreef in bericht
news:u7b2v5iadkpof5 at corp.supernews.com...
> The consensus appears to be that genetic memory could play a role of some
> kind, but it's not sufficient to explain past-life memories. Because, it's
> obvious that in order for a person to transmit a past-life memory
> genetically, that person has to procreate. But you can't transmit memories
> of dying, because, you don't get the *chance* to procreate afterwards,
> right?
>> Also, for many of the past lives that have been verified, it has been
> obvious that there is no genetic blood line.
>> There are some additional things to consider. Carol Bowman has written a
> book which describes cases in which people appear to have reincarnated back
> into their own (extended) family. So this confuses the issue where genetic
> transmission is concerned.
>> Years ago I remember reading about a study in psychology class, where they
> taught some kind of worm to "run" a simple maze. Then they ground up the
> trained worms and fed them to untrained worms--you guessed it, the untrained
> worms fed on ground up trained worms, ran the maze better than untrained
> worms fed a regular diet.
>> So *some* kind of memory apparently can be transmitted biologically, at
> least in worms.
>But I don't think this memory can be genetic because that is all digested. So
perhaps the celular memory as you suggest below explains this.
> Here's my personal theory--everything in the physical body is a reflection
> of the "blueprint" of the non-physical or spiritual world. Therefore, I
> would not be surprised if both were true. There is non-physical memory of
> past lives in the *mind*, and there is also the physical replica of it in
> the *body*, perhaps at a cellular level.
>> Now that brings us to cellular memory, another angle. Some people say that
> memory is not just contained in the *brain*, but in every cell in the body.
> So the stomach "remembers", the lungs "remember", etc. It is true that
> massage can trigger past-life memories around events that affected that
> particular part of the body in the past life. But, of course, this doesn't
> prove cellular memory.
>> So, bottom-line, I don't think it's a matter of "either-or"...
> Steve S.
>> "Howard Olson" <howardolson at ausi.com> wrote in message
> news:b22fc72b.0202211317.ca2f95d at posting.google.com...> > Does anyone know about the issue of reincarnation versus genetic memory?
> > It seems possible that there could be a connection....
> >
> > H