william mumba wilmumba701 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 21 15:19:44 EST 2002

TEL:0031 6555 28 508. 

You  may  be  surprise  to  receive  this  letter 
from me since  you  do  not  know  me
personally.Then let be  begin  by  introducing 
myself, I  am  MR William Mumba,the  first  son 
of MR Walter Mumba, who was  recently  murdered 
in the  land  dispute  in  Zimbabwe.I was  furnished 
with  viable  information  from  the  World  Trade
Centre  here  in  Amsterdam  Holland  so I decided
to  solicit  for  your  assistance.
Before the death  of  my  Father, he  had  taken 
me  to  Amsterdam  to deposit  the  sum  of 
USD$10,5MILLION(Ten  Million  Five  Hundred Thousand 
Only)in a  Security  Company,as  if  forsaw  the
looming  danger  in Zimbabwe.This  Money  was 
deposited  in two trunk boxes as Gemstones  to avoid
much demurrage  from  the  Security  Company.This 
was  meant  for  the  purchase  of  new  machines 
and  chemicals  for  the  farms and  Establishment
of  a new  farm  in  Swaziland.
This  land  problem  came  when  Zimbabwe President
ROBERT MUGABE  Introduce  a new  land Act that 
wholly affected  rich  farmers  and  some  few black
farmers.This  resulted  to  the  killing  and  mod
action  by  Zimbabwen  war  Veterans  and  Some 
lunatics  in  the  society .Infact,  a lot  of 
people  were  killed  because  of  this Land-Reformed
Act of  which  my  Father was one of the  victims.
It  is  against  this  background  that  I  and my 
Family  who  are  currently  staying  in Amsterdam 
decide to  transfer this funds  to a foreign
account.Since  the  law  of  the  Netherlands 
prohibit  a refugee(Asylum Seeker)to open  any 
account  or  to  be  involved  in  any  Financial 
Transactions.As  the  eldest  son  of  my  Fathers,
I  am  saddled  with  the  responsibility  of 
seeking  a  genuine  Foreign  Account  where  this
Money   could  be  transfered  without  the 
knowledge  of  my  Government  who are bent on 
taking  everything  we  have  got.The  Netherlands
Government  seems  to  be  playing  about  with 
them.I  am  faced  with  the  dilema  of investing 
this  amount  of  Money in  Netherlands  for  the 
fear  of  going  through  the  same  experience in 
future  since  both  countries  have  similar 
history.Moreover  the  Netherlands  Foreign Policy 
does  not  allow  such investment  from asylum
As  a  businessman,  whom  I  wish  to  entrust my 
future  and  my  Family  in  your hands,I  must let
you  know  that  this  transaction  is  risk free.If 
you  accept  to  assist  me  and  my family.All  I 
need  you  to  do  is  to File claim as  the 
Beneficiary to this funds here in Amsterdam,This 
Money  I  intend  to  use  for investment.
I  have  options  to offer you, first you can choose
to  have  certain  percentage of  the  money  for
your  assistance and  for  nominating  your account 
for  the  transaction, or  you  can  go  into 
partnership  with  me  for  a  proper  profitable 
investment  of  the money  in your  country which
ever  option  you  choose  feel  free  to  notify 
me.But  on  behalf of  my family and  I  3%  of this 
money,I  have  mapped  out  for any expenses 
incurred  in  the  process of  your involvement
to  this  transaction. However if  you do not wish 
to  go  into partnership, I  am  willing to  give 
you  15% of  the  money  while  the  remaining 82%
will be  for  my  Investment  in  your  country.

Please  contact  me  with  the  above  Telephone 
number,while  I  implore  you  to  maintain  the
absolute secrecy  required  in  this  transaction.
Yours  Faithfully,
William Mumba. 

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