pepsine at (Uttapon E.) wrote in message news:<ac6b99ff.0202202252.7bf63300 at>...
> I have a 5sec of neuronal from sheep brain. I want to compare between
> it's cofficient of variation and inter-spike interval, and fano factor
> with spike count distribution.But i don't know how to do it. could you
> please explain me step by step.
First, it's not really clear what you want to do. ISI, CV and Fano
factor all have different units so how do you intend to compare them?
And more importantly, -why- do you want to compare them? What
information are you hoping to get by examining these things?
Second, the very first thing you'll need to do is break up your data
into a lot of smaller segments, because all of these statistics are
defined as distributions over ensembles of segments or windows.
Third, I think it's pretty unlikely that you'll have enough spikes in
5 seconds to make any of these statistics meaningful.
Finally, have you tried looking in textbooks or doing a web search for
the methods you're interested in?