New Book

Gustavo Deco Gustavo.Deco at mchp.siemens.de
Thu Feb 21 08:13:42 EST 2002


"Computational Neuroscience of Vision"

Edmund T. Rolls
University of Oxford, Department of Experimental Psychology

Gustavo Deco
Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany

Oxford University Press, 2002
588 pages, numerous figures, 238X168mm
ISBN 0-19-852489-7 Hardback
ISBN 0-19-852488-9 Paperback

This exciting new book describes visual information processing in the
brain. The book focusses on the visual
information processing and computational operations in the visual system

that lead to representations of objects in the brain, and on the
mechanisms that underlie attentional processes. In addition to visual
processing, it also considers how visual inputs reach and are involved
in the computations underlying a wide range of behaviour, including
short term memory, long term memory and emotion, thus providing a
foundation for understanding the operation of a number of different
brain systems. This fascinating book will be of value to all those
interested in understanding how the brain works, and in understanding
vision, attention, memory, emotion, motivation and action. The book
combines a neurocomputational approach with neurophysiological,
neuropsychological, and neuroimaging approaches.

Readership: Neuroscientists, psychologists, and neuropsychologists
interested in vision. Computational
neuroscientists. Vision scientists.

1 Introduction
2 The primary visual cortex
3 Extrastriate visual areas
4 The parietal cortex
5 Inferior temporal cortical visual areas
6 Visual attentional mechanisms
7 Neural network models
8 Models of invariant object recognition
9 The cortical neurodynamics of visual attention - a model
10 Visual search: Attentional neurodynamics at work
11 A computational approach to the neuropsychology of visual attention
12 Outputs of visual processing
13 Principles and conclusions
Appendix A. Introduction to linear algebra for neural networks
Appendix B. Information theory

The book can be ordered directly from Oxford University Press,
http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-852488-9, and is available in bookshops.
Updates to the publications cited are available at www.cns.ox.ac.uk


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