"...understanding the brain as whole, and as a motor-behaviour controlling
GS: All is behavior, and the rest is naught.
"Lars Spicker Olesen" <spickers at worldonline.dk> wrote in message
news:3C7227F0.AA99A932 at worldonline.dk...
> First of all, good luck to Frans van der Walle!
> Secondly, a comment...
>> Gordon Couger wrote:
>> > Obviously no one has been able to come
> > up with a very high level model of brain function. When we look at what
> > makes up the brain it is complex but not compared to what it can do.
>> [snip]
>> > If some one can
> > come up with just a very very small model of the though process in the
> > it will be a giant step.
>>> I agree that although many give the impression to have understood the
> intricate behaviour of the jelly-like substance on top (e.g. "How the
> Brain works", or "Consciousness explained") it seems as if no one have
> really hit the nail on the head, so to speak.
>> Interesting ideas are, however, brougth forward by Rodney M.J. Cotterill
> in his book "Enchanted looms" aiming at understanding the brain as
> whole, and as a motor-behaviour controlling device - keine hexerei, nur
> behändigkeit (no mumbo jumbo, just skill). Also his recent article:
> "Cooperation of the basal ganglia, cerebellum, sensory cerebrum and
> hippocampus: Possible implications for cognition, consciousness,
> intelligence and creativity" Progress in Neurobiology 2001, 64(1):1-33.
> With a title promising almost as much as the ones mentioned above, but,
> the main difference being that the article actually contains
> text/ideas/models justifying the title...
>>> Best regards
>> Lars Spicker Olesen