? Neurotonin for PTSD (alternative to Seroquel) ???

Robert Born t.h.x.1138 at web.de
Mon Feb 18 16:43:38 EST 2002

Kann mich erinnern vor kurzem was
ganz ansprechendes in Biol. Psychiatry 
gelesen zu haben. Werde wohl erst
naechste Woche wieder Zeit haben.

Do you know something about it???

All messages from thread

 From: mryan (mryan at gorge.net)
 Subject: Neurontin 
 Newsgroups: alt.support.trauma-ptsd
 Date: 2000-08-30 18:03:16 PST 

I am a new member to the group, and I was wondering if anyone in the
newsgroup has used Neurontin for PTSD.  I would welcome any information
anyone has on this subject.  Thanks.

 From: wayne (wayne-pierce at email.msn.com)
 Subject: Re: Neurontin 
 Newsgroups: alt.support.trauma-ptsd
 Date: 2000-09-02 23:42:52 PST 

One doctor prescribed Neurontin for my partial seizures. Other doctors 
say it's no good for seizures, but only for nerve pain. However, I 
haven't heard anyone talk about using it for PTSD. You might ask your 
pharmacist--they seem to know more about the uses than most doctors.
  "mryan" <mryan at gorge.net> wrote in message 
news:sqrbf4smc5d73 at corp.supernews.com...
  I am a new member to the group, and I was wondering if anyone in the
  newsgroup has used Neurontin for PTSD.  I would welcome any 
  anyone has on this subject.  Thanks.


 From: Scott C. Smith (smithscottc at home.com)
 Subject: Neurontin 
 Newsgroups: alt.support.trauma-ptsd
 Date: 2002-02-15 12:02:13 PST 

Any folks here that have tried Neurontin for PTSD?  I was prescribed it
today.  What have been folks experiences with it?

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 From: Kmquinn2000 (kmquinn2000 at cs.com)
 Subject: Re: Neurontin 
 Newsgroups: alt.support.trauma-ptsd
 Date: 2002-02-15 12:16:44 PST 

>Any folks here that have tried Neurontin for PTSD?  I was prescribed
>today.  What have been folks experiences with it?

Yes, I became violently ill. 
As with any medication ... it affects everyone differently and may not
you in that way.
Good luck.

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 From: JBOLOIDEGARAY (jboloidegaray at aol.com)
 Subject: Re: Neurontin 
 Newsgroups: alt.support.trauma-ptsd
 Date: 2002-02-17 06:54:41 PST 

kmquinn, I think there has been a number of inquires re: Neurontin over
past 90 days, you may be able to get these notes of the recent past on
Alt. support, Stay Healthy, John De

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 From: cloud dreamer (CloudDreamer3 at excite.ca)
 Subject: Re: Neurontin 
 Newsgroups: alt.support.trauma-ptsd
 Date: 2002-02-15 15:12:42 PST 

"Scott C. Smith" <smithscottc at home.com> wrote in message
news:<8Pdb8.66373$Pz4.329469 at rwcrnsc53>...
> Any folks here that have tried Neurontin for PTSD?  I was prescribed
> today.  What have been folks experiences with it?


I've never taken Neurontin but I am taking Topomax which is also an
anti-seizure medication.  I don't know if they are in the same class
of anti-seizure med but the topomax has been very effective against
nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts and weight gain.

Did your doctor tell you what symptoms it was prescribed for?  The use
of anti-seizure meds for PTSD is new and I haven't heard of any other
anti-seizure meds being used or used as widely as Topomax yet, so I'm
curious to see if any others are as effective.


View the AST-PTSD FAQ @ http://www.astpfaq.bravepages.com/index.html

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 From: Scott C. Smith (smithscottc at home.com)
 Subject: Re: Neurontin 
 Newsgroups: alt.support.trauma-ptsd
 Date: 2002-02-15 15:31:49 PST 

Posting to the top...

Yes, the plan was to address some of the PTSD symptoms.  I have
anxiety, as well as being very sensitive to noise and light.  The
have made sleeping very difficult.  My hope is that this medicine will
keep me asleep the entire night.  I've been going to bed around 11:00
each night, and waking up at 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning and not being
to fall back asleep.  Sleep would be nice.

"cloud dreamer" <CloudDreamer3 at excite.ca> wrote in message
news:cfcdfd7a.0202151512.4d90ccc9 at posting.google.com...
> "Scott C. Smith" <smithscottc at home.com> wrote in message
news:<8Pdb8.66373$Pz4.329469 at rwcrnsc53>...
> > Any folks here that have tried Neurontin for PTSD?  I was
prescribed it
> > today.  What have been folks experiences with it?
> Scott
> I've never taken Neurontin but I am taking Topomax which is also an
> anti-seizure medication.  I don't know if they are in the same class
> of anti-seizure med but the topomax has been very effective against
> nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts and weight gain.
> Did your doctor tell you what symptoms it was prescribed for?  The
> of anti-seizure meds for PTSD is new and I haven't heard of any other
> anti-seizure meds being used or used as widely as Topomax yet, so I'm
> curious to see if any others are as effective.
> chech
> View the AST-PTSD FAQ @ http://www.astpfaq.bravepages.com/index.html

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