"Frans van der Walle" <fw.novoware at wxs.nl> wrote in message news:<a4o1e9$of6$1 at reader06.wxs.nl>...
> LS,
> I ask for advice on the best newsgroup for discussing my modelling of the
> human brain.
> The strategy of that research project has been formulated as follows:
>> * 'Modelling the information system 'Man' by modelling its evolutionary
> emergence'.
>> This strategy was deemed to be necessary as the system 'Man' has become such
> complex, because of its long evolutionary history and of its 'trial & error'
> emergence procedure, that any modelling of that 'Information System Man' can
> only be done in an effective way if the evolution of that information system
> is considered at the same time.
>> As a consequence, the modelling procedure involved not only the information
> system 'Man' but also the evolutionary process that created successive life
> forms. My modelling involves therefore both the evolution of the information
> system and the end result, the information system of Homo sapiens sapiens.
>> It has resulted in a research project, which aim is to define a modelling
> for the information handling aspects of the system 'Man', in which all
> aspects of human behaviour are considered, comprising emotional-,
> irrational- and rational/cognitive behaviour patterns, in both awake- and
> dream states, for individual and social behaviour. It is stated that this,
> one, information system 'Man' handles all human activities. The involved
> modelling comprises:
> * not only the functional aspects, Man's mind, i.e. how that system
> observes, and reacts to, the environment and how it builds up, and uses via
> recalls, an internal database from these observations and from genetically
> transferred preferences for such behaviour, but also:
> * how the involved information items are stored and transferred in Man's
> brain structure; the transfer taking place, in general, from the sensory
> input towards the motor output.
>> For more details I may refer to my website mentioned below.
> I welcome any suggestion.
>> Frans van der Walle
> http//www.novoware.tk
I'm sorry, but however sincere you may be about these intentions they
are ludicrously over-ambitious. Several hundred scientists have spent
whole lifetimes trying to delineate mechanisms of brain function that
are several orders of magnitude less complex than what you are setting
out to do. Forget it.