Information on genetic neuro disorders

Publihelp webmaster at publihelp.fr
Fri Feb 15 03:32:32 EST 2002

You can try the french ORPHANET site:


or the web sites for patient support organisations for specific disorders.

use google and type lafora: you should get all the patient support groups
for that disease.

Sincerely Yours,

Alain Bouvet

"abdul hai" <ahai11uk at yahoo.co.uk> a écrit dans le message news:
94467c2f.0202131430.69318f9c at posting.google.com...
> Hi the problem is that it is difficult to find information on genetic
> neuro disorders and I have found a few sites
> can tell me about what other sites i should be looking at
> I would be very grateful
> www.nih.gov
> www.climb.org.uk
> www.rarediseases.org

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