Neural specification?

Larry Lart lart at e-merge.ie
Thu Feb 14 09:41:28 EST 2002


  I was looking for a complete neuron specification and I wasn't able to 
find answers to a few questions still. I will really appreciate if you can 
help me (with answers or a link where i can read about) to clarify my self.
You will save me a few nights and headaches ...
  a. Dendrites Growth 
        - Do they grow orientated under the action of a neighboor firing 
axon ? 
        - How far do they actually grow and how fast ?
        - Do they grow for the entire life time ?
        - the increase in the number of dendrites for the same neuron since 
        birth isn't random or linear or related to the needs ?!! 
  b. Synapses 
        - is it the incoming potential time related ? Considering 2 neurons 
by one synapse. When the first one fires for time t1 when the second is 
blocked for time t2. But there is a gap in time d(t) when the second neuron 
might be able to receive a part of the signal ? 
        - what is the signal velocity in a chain of neurons? I know that in 
is somewhere between 2-100 m/s but how much will be going through all those 
synapses and soma's function?

Thank you,

Larry Lart
Digital Entity

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