Freelance biomedical writers sought

angus thomson thomson at mncs.co.jp
Wed Feb 13 03:11:42 EST 2002

We are a medical news agency based in Tokyo, that is currently looking for
freelance writers to help us report international medical conferences and
for other writing projects.

The writing is usually more technical than journalistic, and so is well
suited to someone who has written and published scientific/clinical

If you are a post-doc with biomedical research experience and excellent
writing skills please send your CV, and a brief outline of why you think you
are suited for this work, to the contact details below.

You must be diligent, organised, efficient, and above be able to deliver
high quality work on time. Conference coverage is usually in the US and
Europe, but some work may be freelance so location is less important.

You must be a Native English speaker.

This is an excellent opportunity for a post-doc to build experience beyond
the lab. 


Angus Thomson, Ph.D.

Chief Correspondent
Clinical Newswire

thomson at mncs.co.jp
Medical News and Conference Systems

3F Progress Bldg.
2-33-7 Nihonbashi Hamacho
Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 103-0007

tel: +81-3-5652-3500
fax: +81-3-5652-3503


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