"codeZ" <deevv at hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<a3ks0s$8pv$1 at lust.ihug.co.nz>...
> I think AI can be created, based on the internet's infrastructure.
> All you need is 30 billion computers connected s.t. each computer connects
> to 10 000 others, a total of 1,000,000 billion connections. (replace a
> computer by a neuron and you have a human brain). Add to this some simple
> software program to manage the input/output and you have a recipe for AI.
> Scan the brain, note all the interneuron connections, then connect the
> computers over the net in the same way. Program each computer to operate
> just like a neuron. Voila. Make sure you have the kill switches if need be.
This is a truly fascinating idea.
Or, at least it -was- a fascinating idea back in the 1960s, when the
science fiction author Arthur Clarke originally had it, and wrote
about it in his short story "Dial 'F' for Frankenstein".
Actually, in the story, it was the phone network, not a bunch of
personal computers. But, as you say, the program would be a "simple"
one, so who needs a computer. A switching box would do just fine.
At the time, the global phone network had not quite yet reached the
number of nodes and interconnections in the brain. So the idea that
the whole thing would suddenly wake up and be intelligent was pretty
intriguing to people because reaching that level of complexity was
just around the corner.
Not to give away the ending entirely, but in the story, they -forgot-
to put in the kill-switches.
Oh, and yeah. One more thing. The phone network, including all the
cell phones and internet nodes, probably passed the level of
connectional complexity of the brain a while back. But apparently just
hooking up lots and lots of nodes together wasn't enough to create