Mushrooms, luvox and OCD

MnOver mnover5 at aol.com
Mon Feb 11 17:56:39 EST 2002

et_al at my-deja.com wrote in message news:<fi546uk761vi5hq4rjsmnrkbk2lv83i0eu at 4ax.com>...
> On 6 Feb 2002 18:36:38 -0800, mnover5 at aol.com (MnOver) wrote:
> >Hi.  I have recently heard that studies are being conducted where
> >psilocybin is being testing in the treatment of obsessive compulsive
> >disorder.  This has made me curious because I have experimented with
> >mushrooms and it has also raised a question in my mind.
> >
> >From what I know about OCD it is usually treated with pro-serotonin
> >drugs like Luvox.  Now, mushrooms from what little I know about them
> >are sort of anti-serotonin and when you are on a SSRI it will
> >completely block their effects.  So what I'm getting at is... well now
> >I'm confused.  Uh, why do both seem to put OCD symptoms in remission?
> SSRIs don't actually increase serotonin levels. Nor are anxiety and
> depression caused by having too much or too little of it.  
> SSRIs do trigger a short lived serotonin increase, but bio-feedback
> mechanisms bring that back to baseline within a few weeks. Some believe
> that levels actually drop slightly below.
> The French  antidepressant Tianeptine is a Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake
> Enhancer. That is, it does the direct opposite that what SSRIs do. If
> you take both it and an SSRI they will cancel each other out. Yet it
> appears to be just as effective as any of the re-uptake inhibitors.
> It should also be noted that while SSRIs reduce the effects of LSD, they
> have no effect on psilocybin.

Thanks for the info!  SSRE?  That's news to me, interesting.

- Kevin, an amature

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